Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Road Not Taken

Eisenhower the President Crucial Days 1951-1960

July 12, 1956...Dwight Eisenhower...fateful decision...put an Earth satellite into orbit ... 1956 ... no.
decisive turn... Sputnik October 4, 1957...
Ike knew Sputnik was approaching; he did not foresee its force...ho-hum mood...
...August 27... Soviet... multistage ICBM... U.S. attempt flopped...
America grown complacent, fat and unconcerned...
1948...Air Policy Comission... missile project... top priority... Truman rejected...
...Truman...spent less for missiles than for peanut price supports[Snopes-Carter welfare]...

"The United States had no ballistic missile progtam worth mentioning between 1945 and 1951." - Werner von Braun

"Any of you fellows want to go to the Moon? I don't. I'm happier right here." -Ike


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