Friday, March 17, 2006

Ike vs. the Future

"Nelson Rockefeller...was one of those who though there was no limit to the amounts of money available for every concievable project
including flying to the moon. On January 16 (1958) he told the President that if the United States used nuclear explosions for propulsion,
it could launch a satellite that cound read the Moon..."54
"On February 25... Killian and Quarles proposed ,,, 1.5 billion ... to send a nuclear powered rocket to the moon." 56

Page 457 of Eisenhower by Steven Ambrose

His Sources:
Ann C. Whitman Diary 1/16/58
David Dwight Eisenhower Diary, DDE:D 2/25/58

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ga-5009 Vol 3 pdppg 1

Page 1 of GA-5009,
A General Atomic study for NASA


This post will link to updates as new, information becomes available.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Nelson Rockefeller vs. Ike re. Lunar Orion

"...Suddenly, the whole nation seemed to want an American to land on the lunar surface. Only a week earlier, Nelson Rockefeller, who was running for governor of New York under the GOP banner, enthusiastically told Eisenhower that if the United States used nuclear explosions for propulsion, a vehicle could be launched that would fly to the moon and return. Rockefeller predicted that it would be "the most notable accomplishment of our time." Later, Eisenhower scoffed at the proposal. "Some people think there are no limits to the amounts of money available for every conceivable project."

From Race to the Moon:America's Duel with the Soviets by William B. Breuer